By the Brook 2023 | Thank you for making an impact!

By the Brook 2023 was such a beautiful success!

On June 23-24, over 300 special-needs moms, in homes and at 16 host sites, participated in By the Brook. Our theme, "Flourish," focused on the symbolism of flowers, and what is needed for them to thrive. The metaphors between our walk with the Lord and what we need to truly flourish despite the challenges are abundant!

We consider it an honor to encourage special-needs moms at By the Brook and throughout the year, and your investment makes this possible. We are grateful for your support as we love and serve the special-needs community.

Because of your generosity By the Brook was able to reach moms and female caregivers around the world. We are so grateful for your support as we seek to love and serve the special-needs community!