Respite for Your Mind


Have you downloaded the Rising Above App and tried Respite for your mind? Here’s a message from Becky about where it came from and how you can find joy and peace in the midst of your day to day raising your child with special needs.


Hello friends, 

I know, in my life as a special-needs mom, there are many times when I feel I am swirling in the chaos of my life. My mind is sometimes anxious and troubled. I often need a reminder to stop, be still for a moment, settle my thoughts and mind down, and focus on the truth of God’s love for me and my son. 

Rising Above has created this tool, Respite For Your Mind, to help our families with special needs find a moment to be still and find some peace in the day to day challenges of the special-needs life. 

Romans 12:2 tells us that “we are transformed by the renewing of our minds.” 

Transformation IS possible, but it begins by refocusing our gaze on God and remembering who we really are in Christ. 

Respite for Your Mind is a handy, easy to use tool for your soul. You will find encouragement, strength, hope, and if used consistently, we believe true transformation for the better. 

So, take a break from the swirling thoughts in your mind and spend some time in stillness connecting with God through these reminders that He sees you, He loves you and He has good plans for you and your family. 

And we truly hope and pray this resource will be a Respite for You Mind.

     - Becky Davidson