Flip Side Session ONE: March 23, 2020

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Thank you for joining us for this study! We will be “meeting” Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the next two weeks discussing how we can change our perspective and always be searching for the way to see the flip side of our current circumstances. You can find these posts on our encouragement page, risingaboveministries.org/encouragement.

Here’s how this will work.

We will post a new video and discussion board each day (MWF for two weeks). Watch the video of Becky discussing the current topic. Then, read the questions and post your point of view in the comment box below. Feel free to read the other’s comments and reply! The more conversation we can get going, the better this small group will be.


Let’s get started!

With all that's going on in our world, it would be easy to shut down or fall into a state of sadness. But, we as parents have the greatest opportunity to set the tone in our house for how our family is going to respond to this situation. How can we help those we love have a good perspective?

It all begins with our thought life and how that shapes our attitude, which then has a ripple effect to those in our family. How can we start to see the FLIP SIDE?

Discussion questions:

Instructions for commenting: Choose one discussion question or answer them all. Use the comment section below! You do not have to have a SquareSpace account to comment. You will be prompted to enter your name and email address. You do not have to enter a website URL. Click comment as a guest. Email Kim at kthorpe@risingaboveminsitries.org if you have more questions.

As we start this online small group together, feel free to introduce yourself in the comments and tell us a little about your family.

If you’ve not already, take a minute and fill out the perspective inventory. Do you see any patterns??

How can our attitudes affect our perspective of the situations we face raising a child with special needs?

"Choose to have a positive perspective, the flip side, even in the hard situations that we face."

-Becky Davidson